Hypnobirthing..A Journey

Hypnobirthing has long been an area of interest for me. After qualifying as a hypnotherapist in 2018, relaxation techniques as a form of therapy was high on my agenda. The more that I researched hypnobirthing, the more I could understand it’s potential. In 2014 I was diagnosed with post-natal depression-I do feel that, in retrospect, undertaking hypnobirthing could have provided me with some tools in order to combat some of my negative thoughts and feelings that I experienced post-birth.

A close friend of mine took a course in hypnobirthing when she was expecting her second child. She has very kindly answered some of my questions (below) to provide a real-life account of undertaking a hypnobirthing course:



What first sparked your interest in hypnobirthing?

I was looking for a way of having a more relaxed birth with less interventions.


Were the sessions in a group or individual?

I had individual sessions.


What were you hoping to gain from hypnobirthing?

I had hoped that hypnobirthing would mean a natural, shorter and positive labour- which it did.


Did you find that the course had any benefits?

I found so many benefits from the course. I learnt so much about pregnancy and birth and got a much better understanding of what is happening to the body during each stage of labour. It allowed me to relax knowing what was happening, which also helped me to feel more in control. It also taught me relaxation techniques that are helpful in everyday life, during pregnancy and afterwards.


Was there anything you disliked about the course?

No there wasn’t. I am so glad that I did it.


Valentines Day- all hearts and flowers?


Person-Centered Theory